Monday, July 16, 2007


We are so happy! We got a good price for it, and now we are putting an offer in on the one we want to move in to. It is vacant, so we hope that we can close quickly and move in before Eric goes back to summer band on August 8th. We can't believe we are finally going to move. This is all a result of us wanting to raise great kids and live debt free. We have been debt free since December, and now, with getting a cheaper home (in a great school district and neighborhood) we will be able to save more and DO THINGS we'd like to do! What an answer to prayer. God is truly good, and we know everything happens in His timing. We may even make it up to Michigan for a long overdue visit!!

In other news, my good friend Deanna Nesvadba had her baby girl, Brylie Elizabeth, yesterday morning. I went to see her today and she is just perfect.

Our good friends Shannon, Nathan and Garrett Wood came in on Friday and just left today. We had a fun time hanging out, watching Cars, Nemo, and Dora multiple times, and taking Garrett and Cara to the beach for the first time. They must have been good luck because our offer came in Saturday morning and our buyer accepted our counter this morning, Nathan's birthday!!! :)

Not a lot else has been going on. Mom and 9 of her teacher friends left for Vegas today and will be back Thursday. Eric and I are going to be watching Hailee, my mom's friend's 5 year old Tuesday-Thursday. Wednesday is my 27th birthday, but I have no idea what we're doing. I guess that's it for now...I ordered a new cord for my camera, so as soon as I get it, we will post over 170 pictures to flickr! :)

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