Monday, August 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Greg!

Eric's brother Greg turned 22 today. We had a yummy, yet very SLOW dinner at Macaroni Grill tonight. Hope you had a great day Greg!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom / YaYa!


Hope your birthday was great! We hope you had a good day, and enjoyed that new unburnt coffee :)
Love US!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Happy 50th Birthday Darrell!

Last night was Darrell's surprise 50th birthday party down at my parents house in Santa Fe. We had a great time visiting with family and friends. Cara even stayed up till 8:00 enjoying the festivities!

Speaking of Cara, she's still getting teeth in and she's been in a particularly bad mood (i.e. my girl who LOVES to sleep refusing to take naps and screaming the whole time we're in the car). Please pray for my sanity. I know it's just part of motherhood, but it just seems these past few weeks have been over the top! Thank God for God and my quiet time, or I don't know what I'd do. Just keep us in your prayers. In case you were wondering, she had only the bottom 2 teeth until about a month ago. Since then she's gotten 6 (she has the front 4 on top and bottom now) and tonight I saw a 5th one on the bottom poking through. I posted new pics on flickr...go check them out.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

No more Port Bishop

We just got back from closing on our old home. But it's not ours anymore. It went fine, and we're glad to be here instead of there. We LOVE our new house. LOVE being a 1 story. It's such a quiet street and nice neighborhood, and it's close to EVERYTHING. We are super happy God led us here. It's sad to see the old house go. We built it. We got Riley there. We brought Cara home there. But it was time to go.

Onto other news, Eric's good friend from high school's wife had their baby girl on the 13th. Avery Jean Spadoni, you are one loved little girl. We can't wait to see pictures!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Quick Update

Sorry, just got internet tonight (at 9:30 after our appointment was from 2-5pm!!) and we're off to bed; however, we just got told we're famous! :) Click on the link to our church's homepage and one of the first little picture rolls on their (ABF) is our class at our superbowl party. Eric, Cara and I are there :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007


It's Moving Day!! Wish us luck

(And if you can read this and are in the Houston area.....come help!) :)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tomorrow we are the owners of TWO homes....YIKES!

Tomorrow afternoon we close on our new home; just in time since we have lots of friends and family helping us move Saturday morning!! We are SO looking forward to moving in and getting everything settled and not having to have the house 'show-ready' at a moments notice. We are also looking forward to being so much closer to friends and our church. Eric is going to love the 20 minutes off his commute as well. We will be cable/internet-less for about 10 days (of course the first day the cable company can come out is August 13th....2 weeks after I called to set it up!), so I probably won't update much.

Please pray on the continued ease in the sell of our current home. The inspection went fine (well there was some drama but it's over) and everything is set to close on August 15th. We just pray that nothing crazy happens in the next 12 days to deter from that, we for SURE can't afford 2 mortgages. We hope all is well with everyone, please keep in touch! Also, I will be emailing out our new address soon. If you don't get an email, please email me....sometimes my email is wacky!

Here's a pic of Eric and I at our last meal before we left Galveston last week.

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