Sunday, October 07, 2012

How was Uganda Part 4

After that day, and dealing with the things I had learned about some wrongs done against Kirabo Seeds, I just kept praying for guidance and self-awareness.  That if there were any wicked ways in my walk, that God would reveal them to me so that I could repent and be refined by Him; so that my testimony would be trustworthy as He is.  I was blessed by Tonya's leadership and her continued seeking of His righteousness.  It was wonderful to be able to spend a few days with a mentor and experience her walk with the Lord, in trials.  I prayed for repentance for James and his church, for the others that has tried to harm God's children, that God would direct their sights back to being solely on Him.  I prayed that the arrows of the enemy be fewer and that Tonya, Phiona, Julie, Robert, George and the kids would get to experience some of God’s goodness.   What was interesting in my journey that week, was that God never changed my heart for the people of Uganda.  I continually prayed for them, thanked Him for the love He has for them and that He’s given me that same love.  I kept praying for me to die to myself and just be obedient to Him, so that I could discern His direction and path for me. 

 School books 
 Meeting all the kids for the first time
Touring the classrooms.
Traveling to Miracle Destiny School on Wednesday was one of the highlights of my trip.  
The older classes did a beautiful tribal dance for us at the end of our day, and we got to teach Ephesians, and the full armor of God.  We made salvation bracelets, and the kids were so kind and eager to learn.  
Getting to meet Muzei, this boy my family has prayed for, for over a year, to see his school and how well taken care of he was, the food he gets and the care of his teacher was amazing!    
It was amazing to be able to meet his jjajja and see how relaxed he and Kirabo (his brother) were there in their home.  
(About to go into Muzei's JjaJja's felt so surreal, I've seen it on Tonya's blog many times!)
They lit up at home and seemed more at ease there with us bzungu around.  
Praying with his grandmother was definitely heart altering. 
I couldn’t attempt to remember the words that I spoke, because I simply remembering God’s spirit spilling out of me in that moment. 
And I didn’t want to be anywhere else.  It was such a blessing to me to be able to meet this child that our family sponsors.  God began our adoption journey with these kids faces on Tonya's blog. 
 It began by wanting to help educate one child.  Eric and I prayed and believe God was calling us to do that, initially.  Tonya blogged about that day here, she is so much better with words that I am.  But what she missed in her blog is HOW BLESSED my family is that she obeyed.  That she chose to share her world with us through her blog, so that God could use it to call our family on our next mission: adoption!  
She helped open our eyes to the orphan crisis in this world.  I would have never known the love God has for his people in Uganda if a friend of a friend hadn't mentioned this blog
 Praise God that he works through each and every one of us if we quiet ourselves to His spirit and are obedient to Him!  
(Helping Auntie Julie peel onions.)
Getting to spend more time with the kids at the Kirabo Seeds home that evening was a blessing, as always.  To know the trauma they experienced and knowing that it will always be there, but to encounter the love they were beginning to trust from adults was so encouraging.  I just keep praising Jesus for daily new mercies and spiritual renewal.  I had only experienced it a few times in my life, so richly, as I did while in Uganda.  

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