Saturday, July 26, 2014

Some Musings this Weekend

I'm getting ready to head out on my 3rd day at the THSC homeschool convention up in the Woodlands.  It's been fun, seeing friends I haven't seen in years, sharing hour long drives with friends and chatting and learning.  I love this weekend.

Please I always get to see something cool.  The Duggar family is at our conference.  They have a booth and have spoken a few times.  Every where you turn is a Duggar kid :).   They are very down to earth and sweet.

I also got to hear Todd Wilson speak about family, raising dangerous sons, and can't wait to hear him today.  Check out his ministry: FamilyMan Ministry!   

I dropped my friend off yesterday and was heading down 99 and saw this.  Maybe you can't, but it was a beautiful rainbow up in the clouds.

My working at our church is coming to a close.  But I love this church body, and working here has made me love it more.  My kids and I drove out to the new property (that God raised almost $2mil so quickly and we purchased debt free---in a church of about 150 attenders!) and prayed over the neighbors and the land.  We can't wait to be meeting out there!!

So, will you join us in my birthday bash?  It closes this weekend and I'd love for you to participate.  Just go to our new blog,, or click here for the post!  Thank you :)

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