Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fall Fest

Yesterday was a fun day. Cara was so cute as our little bumble bee. Go see our flickr account, there are hundreds of pictures on there! We had a fun time at our playgroup costume party in the morning. Then, after her nap we snuggled on the couch and watched "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown," that I had DVR'ed from the night before. She liked it because she has been obsessed with pumpkins this fall! Then when Eric got home we went up to our church's fall fest. We had such a good time. She just wanted to run around, everything thought she was so entertaining! Then we came home, she went to bed, and we handed out candy for a little while. All in all it was a fun day.

In other news, my Juice Plus+ business has really taken off. I've gotten my first few customers, and I have already promoted to get a higher commission!!! I truly believe God has led me to this business. Everyone in my upline is a sweet and servant Christian, that want to make those around them (as well as themselves) healthier! I hope to get a few more customers by the end of my first 60 days (12/22/07), or some distributors, so if you are interested in increasing the health of your family through a thoroughly researched whole food, just let me know!!

I also chopped all my hair off today, about 8 inches! Here's a picture, although it's not the best shot!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

your hair looks cute!

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