Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I'm excited to be a part of Mabel's Labels Buzzmama program!  What a great product.  As a part of my welcome kit, I got some classic sticky labels.  I of course got hot pink with Cara's name on it with a princess logo :).  We've been using them for her items that go in her lunch kit, and I even used one on her Awana's vest.  She loves that the things say her name, and I love that they've gone through the dishwasher AND washing machine and are still on!  You can tell their durability when you go to put them on, they are hard core :).  Anyways, I'd love to talk to you about them, or answer any questions you may have about them.  I also have 12 coupons to give away, so let me know if you're interested once you've viewed their products online!! :)  They even have a fundraiser!  So tell your school if you are interested. 

Mabel’s Labels – Perfect for school, camp or daycare.


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