Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Baylor is Undefeated!!

That's what people were yelling as we left the BU vs. SMU football game where Baylor won 28-23. We had a great time in Dallas this weekend. We pretty much vegged out at the Wood's all day Saturday, and then went to the game. Sunday morning Shannon and Nathan spent the night, and we all woke up and drove to Canton at like 7 am. We shopped and shopped until we split up and noon and drove back home to Houston. I got some cute stuff for the house. Sunday night the puppies were happy to see us!

Monday Eric and I went to see the 40 yeard old virgin, it was quite vulgar, but pretty funny, as the stupid funny movies go (anchorman, dodgeball, wedding crashers). Then, we went to the Newsome's and watched Monster-in-Law, also funny. We headed home and Eric mowed the front yard and I vacuumed all of downstairs and cleaned the kitchen. Amanda came over and we watched some gilmore girls. All in all it was a pretty relaxing weekend, which we all needed!

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