Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me Monday!!

Hello all, once again I am going to participate in MckMama's Not Me Monday! Only because so many of you asked. So on FRIDAY night, I sure didn't come home from leadership retreat at church only to just start gathering my coupons for Kroger's $1 double coupon day on Saturday. I I definitely wasn't tempted to just go at midnight when I finished cutting and sorting everything I needed. And I SURE didn't actually find one open 24 hours and LEAVE my house at 12:30 am. And when got to said Kroger with a packed (ok, for midnight) parking lot, I still did not proceed to take my time gathering my goods (because I mean, I'm tired anyways, might as well enjoy the time alone!), only to find out I had to wait in line for 50 minutes because there were 2 very tired cashiers (and no baggers) checking everyone out. And after I did NOT wearily finish checking out at 3:10 am, drove home, throw the cold stuff into the fridge, I definitely did NOT just leave all the other stuff in the middle of the kitchen floor because I was exhausted and going to bed at 3:40 am. Oh, and my husband didn't think it was Christmas day finding all the junk I never buy in the floor the next morning :)
And because I'm so NOT silly, I didn't take a picture of our last NewGround breakfast at church yesterday morning (our class is splitting into 2 classes next Sunday), because NO ONE does pot luck like NewGround DOES!!

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