If you are interested in how this works, check out monesavingmethods' blog! :)
If you are one of those people who think coupons are only for processed junk food, and you'd never use them...how about some super cheap bananas and apples?? I printed out 4 each of the $.50/lb bananas and $1.00/lb apples for target. You can print the coupons from this post on moneysavingmom's blog. I got all of this, plus 2 bananas and 2 apples (previously eaten) for $3.40! :) The apples coupon is up through 8/22 and the bananas through 9/5. So, I'll be getting those at Target the next few weeks. And I've used them before. The only say one coupon per transaction, so I did 4 back to back transactions, with bananas and apples in each. The people at the Target (west pky/grand pky) are used to this and were very courteous! Just be sure to get over a pound for each order.
What do I do with all those bananas since I can't possibly eat all of them before they go bad??? Well besides the obvious (banana nut bread!), I will post another day on my ideas/techniques. I love buying fruit when it is in season and preserving it for later days!!
I am curious as to what particular offer did you complete for the 1500 check. there is another good offer put out there christmas(dot)com
The offer I did (started in April) was only available for a few weeks. I get all my offers from moneysavingmethods.blogspot.com, I trust her
I am curious about your Target. We just had one that opened with groceries. The only apples were prebagged apples ($lb bags). The coupon says BULK apples, so I am thinking it must mean the prebagged apples (and, like I mentioned, they were the only ones they carried).
It still worked out to $1 a pound with the coupon. You would just have to buy lbs. It's still a good price for apples.
I decided to skip it, though, since peaches are on sale for .49 a pound and pears for .59 a pound this week, and I bought several hundered pounds :)
My target has apples like at the grocery store, you can take as many or as few as you like. I weigh mine and try to get them right at a pound. I REALLY try to get the $.99/lb apples (there's usually one kind per week on sale), and so they are truly almost free. Sometimes I splurge and get the gala or cameo (my fave) which are sometimes $1.49/lb and then get a pound for $.49!
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