Saturday, June 07, 2008

June 7th!!

Can you believe it? I can't believe how fast this year has flown by! A lot has happened in the past few weeks. We went to Georgetown for Mawmaw's birthday, and got to meet my cousin's baby, Penelope Lane Wharff, for the first time. Yes, they are beatles fans and yes they named her Penny Lane on purpose. We also went to the beach with our playgroup. A friend's family has a beach house, and it was so nice to let the kids play in the sand and surf. Eric ended school at MHS for good. He is sad, and will definitely miss the kids and parents, it was a great first teaching job! But we are excited as a family to have him closer to home with hopefully a little less weekend duty. Katy ISD is a great place to work!! But he is definitely enjoying his summer off!

We have been swimming at least twice a week since late May. Cara and I are both getting tans (we use sunscreen religiously, neither of us have burned!), and Eric is getting slightly less pale ;) We've started cleaning out our third room which was our scrapbook, sewing, music, computer, gift wrap, storage room! It's hard, but we're learning to part with things, and we've been cleaning out all the closets, and making room for the stuff we want. It's amazing what you accumulate that you can't live without, and then just toss in a garage sale pile ;) haha.

I've posted new pics on flickr, and started putting some videos on there. One video is an 'america's funniest home video' classic. She was playing the organ at mawmaw's house, and right as I turned on the video, she fell out of the chair. Cara was not hurt in the making of that video :).

In other news, we can't wait to find out the sex of baby micah on Tues, 6/17!! Everyone was right, I can't wait another 4.5 months, so we'll find out in 10 days. We're very excited. I just know it's a boy, I've had this feeling for about a month (in the beginning I thought it was a girl). So we shall see if mommy's intuition is right. Right now we're anxiously awaiting the news that our friend's new little girl has arrived (she's 8 days overdue as of today!) :) Good luck Crissy & Kevin!

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