Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So many things

There are so many things runing through my head as I sit here in the dark.  Hubby trying to get those last minutes of sleep, little one asleep, big 2 playing nicely and quietly in their room. 

A little devotion I read this morning talks about these well-read versesL "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." —Matthew 11:28-30

I have been wrestling in my head a lot lately about how I do not claim of the almightly POWER that is inside me through the Holy Spirit.  Jesus sent the Holy Spirit for us, and yet, I think I can do it better!  God, please humble my heart, take back control.....I need you.  The prayer at the bottom of the devotion is worth repeating:

I exchange my weariness for His strength,
I exchange my weakness for His power,
I exchange my darkness for His light,
I exchange my problems for His solutions,
I exchange my burdens for His freedom,
I exchange my frustrations for His peace,
I exchange my turmoil for His calm,
I exchange my hopes for His promises,
I exchange my afflictions for His balm of comfort,
I exchange my questions for His answers,
I exchange my confusion for His knowledge,
I exchange my doubt for His assurance,
I exchange my nothingness for His awesomeness,
I exchange the temporal for the eternal,
I exchange the impossible for the possible,
I exchange my fear for His love.

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