Thursday, November 03, 2011

Day 3 of a Thankful Month

I bet you couldn't guess who was next. I am so SO SOOOOO blessed by my 2nd born, mister Micah Man. We are SO very different and he has made me grow in patience, love, determination, the list could go on. Right now he's sitting up in his bed 2 hours after bedtime still talking to himself (I post date the posts). Yet he is just so content for the most part.

His 'love language' is physical touch, as far as we can tell right now, and he loves to be near you, talking to you, and to be hugged. He is my cuddle bug. 
This was his shot for his football party invite. He can hang with the boys and still play 'mommy and daddy' with sister.

He loves to be told he's a strong boy.

This was him visiting a fire truck, he love anything on wheels and can play cars for hours!
He decided he wanted to be super why for halloween and was SO excited to get to put it on finally.

He has such a tender heart. He's really brought my yelling into check because it really hurts him.

But he is also SOOOO defiant at times. Look at that grin. A year later and we're still not potty trained. He doesn't like to hear the word no (I mean, who does), but man can he throw a fit.

But I am thankful for every one. Thankful that the Lord blessed us with this little red-headed boy, to shape and mold and grow and "bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." Eph 6:4b.
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