Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Quick Cara Update

That girl is hilarious.  She comes up with the funniest things sometimes.  One morning she was playing quietly in her room.  Eric had a band concert the night before and his (my old from SFHS!) garment bag that his suit used to be in was sitting open in the living room.  I walked into her room to see what she was doing, and she had climbed into the bag and partially zipped it up.  I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I'm like Jesus, he died (this one story bible we have has pictures of him wrapped in cloth and being carried to the tomb), and got covered up, and then rose again," then she unzipped it and burst out! :)  Here's the sequence (because of course I made her do it again!).  No child was hurt in this, yes, I zipped her all the way up for pictures!

I'm Risen!!  Just like Jesus!! :)

She's been very entertaining lately, and instead of running from the camera POSES big time anytime I pull it out (which is not very often lately).  Here's her favorite pose:

And another pose, she was with Aunt Bailey at her first shower for baby Jack:

Cara also had her first dentist appointment in early April.  I of course forgot my camera, but my friend Meredith watched Aynslee and Micah so she let me borrow hers.  Here are some pictures:

Talking to her new best friend.  Girl has never met a stranger.

Counting her teeth.  That's about all she'd let them do.  When the dentist came in and tried to use the 'pokey thing,' she completely freaked and he almost scratched her becaues she started thrashing.  Fun times :)
And again, her silly pose pre-going back:

Yesterday was her last day of dance class, I will get those pictures off my camera soon and post them.  Her recital is coming up 6/12, can't wait!! :)

One more, we took this at my parents house this weekend...That's Darrell's hat he wears when he wants to have hair ;)

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