Thursday, July 01, 2010

All things Girly!!

It's amazing how you come across people in your life! :)  We originally had a 'bow lady' for our Tot2Tot sale this past spring (by the way, our next one is 9/18).  We had another, Sara, contact us and ask if she could be a boutique seller.  We had to turn her down as it was first come, first serve.  Well, long story short, our original bow lady had to drop out, and Sara literally had 2 days to tag all her items (OVER 300!!) and make lots of fun bows, etc to display at our sale.  She did amazing at our sale.  Who doesn't want to walk over and get a matching bow for that perfect outfit you just found??

She has been great and was so easy going as a seller!  I've since purchased a few things from her, and they are all GREAT quality, I love them all!  We got Cara a tutu and some bows for her birthday, and I've already began purchasing a few for Anna as well, and matching hats for the girls!  I absolutely adore her yo-yo bows, so different!  

Anyways, I noticed a month or so ago that she had sellers!!  What a great way to make a little extra cash (and you even get more if you take it in Girly Girlz Dollars!!).  Who doesn't need more bows?  If not for your own child, for your friend who is having their first girl? :)  So I sent her my application, and am now pleased to announce that I am a new seller with Girly Girlz Bows!!     

This is a bad picture, but here's Cara wearing her new big blue flower, that she LOVES!! 

And here she is on her birthday trying on her new tutu!

Just wanted you all to be aware of a great company out there that has reasonable prices and GREAT sales!  Be sure to follow her on facebook as well!  And if you do purchase items from her (which I recommend!), please use my name as your sales rep

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