Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy 9 years baby!

This is only going to be a partial post, I promise to scan some pictures tomorrow if I have time!  Today marks 9 years since God brought Eric and I together as husband and wife, and I love him more with each passing year.  3 days after I turned 21, I said I do to this man, and our love has just continued to grow.  I love you honey!  Now, years past pictures:

This year, we didn't get a picture on our anniversary and i'm already in my pajamas, maybe we'll do a head shot here soon....
Ok, here goes:
8 years, 2009:

7 years, 2008 (5 months pregnant with Micah):
how is it that I look skinnier (my face/neck, etc) while PREGNANT than in the other years??

6 years, 2007, first night away from Cara in Galveston!:

5 years, 2006, Cara was a month old!  The only pictures we have from that day are of her or her with one of us.  But I do remember that was the first time she ever gave us 5 hours straight of sleep :)  Happy Anniversary to us! haha.

4 years, 2005: Picture to come!
Wedding day: 7/21/2001!

More to come!

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