My next doctor's appointment is next Tuesday, 36 weeks. I'll start going every week after that. I have BH after I eat usually, but not much. I'm not in any pain (except at night, my hips hurt from sleeping on my side for 8 months), which makes me think he won't come early as I had hoped (not early, just like a week or so before halloween). Oh well, we shall see. Well, enough procrastinating, time to go cut 12 rectangles of fabric :).
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Only 33 (ish) days to go????
Eric and I can't believe how soon our little Micah will be here!!! This fall, since school has started, has just FLOWN by. I'm happy, because I thought as soon as Eric went back to school, and I got huge, it would just drag. We've been slowly getting the room together. W
e didn't go with a specific theme, just blues/browns and sports accessories. Here's a picture of the blue walls/brown curtains and new letters I bought. I was going to do everything myself, but found these at babies R us and had a coupon and they were the perfect colors! I've already wasted 45 minutes, but for the rest of the day (
Cara's at school) I plan on finishing his bumper pad. I also finished her poodle skirt for our Fall Fest at church 2 weeks ago. We tried it all on last night, and she loved it! Although she was more impressed with the white tights (she likes words that rhyme). :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Nice Weekend...minus the sick child
Well, Friday night started out with scrapbook night here at my house. There were about 7 of us here and we had a great time talking and scrapbooking (a little bit!). Saturday, we had the morning to ourselves, and Eric figured out how to fix the leak in Cara's bathtub, so he made a couple of trips to home depot. Cara had woke up Friday morning with a runny nose, and I thought, finally, her 2 year molars are coming in. Then Saturday she started a little cough and felt a little warm. I started her on some Mucinex to get all the mucous out. That night Eric's band met the Seven Lakes High School Band at Rhodes Stadium for a pre game tailgate BBQ and then the game. Our friend, Damon Archer--who is the orchestra director at our church--is the head director at SLHS. So Cara and I met Eric up there for some dinner. We tried to go to the game, but Cara was not listening or sitting still, so we headed home at the end of the first quarter. Eric came home that night around 9:45, about 3-4 hours earlier than when he was a HS director (they only stayed through half time), feeling a little bad. I couldn't go to church Sunday because I had to stay home with Cara as she had a fever within 24 hours. Eric woke up and played all three services, and then came home and felt worse. Cara and I had a nice morning at home, she was in such a good mood, which hasn't occured lately, so it was a nice change.
I got ready, and my 3 good friends, Adrienne, Deanna and Jackie came over to see the baby's room and take me to lunch. We all used to work at ConocoPhillips (Dee still does) and we've kept in touch and do lunch every month or so. They decided they needed to spoil me with some gifts and a nice lunch before I pop. It was so nice!! We went to Carino's here in Katy and then came back to my house where Dee had brought her yummy Chocolate Eclair Cake!! They each got me a couple of very cute little boy outfits, and then they went in together and got me 6 bumGenius 3.0 One Size Fits All diapers!!! I was SOOOO excited. These diapers are awesome, they fit newborns, up to Cara's size!! We had a great time and got to catch up. It was the first time we'd gotten together since we had a little going away thing for Adrienne; she moved to San Antonio in mid-August. I truly cherish my special friends. God has blessed me with some great ladies to fellowship and do life with, at church and through other outlets.
In other news, our new BlackBerrys were just delivered. Both of our phones were dead/not working, and since we'd had them over 2 years, we were due for an upgrade. First we went to the AT&T store, and there was only 1 free phone! So, we came home and went online, and got 2 blackberries for $50 total. His was free and mine was $50, not bad. But, now I'm trying to figure out how to get my phone #'s to my phone. They sent us a new SIM card. I know I can put the old one in the new phone to get the numbers, but if I saved any to my phone, I can't get them (since my screen isn't working). SO, if I call you often, and you don't hear from me, call me so I can get your # back in my phone!! Gotta run and take Eric lunch, he's feeling awful and slept in and didn't have time to get lunch. Love to all!
I got ready, and my 3 good friends, Adrienne, Deanna and Jackie came over to see the baby's room and take me to lunch. We all used to work at ConocoPhillips (Dee still does) and we've kept in touch and do lunch every month or so. They decided they needed to spoil me with some gifts and a nice lunch before I pop. It was so nice!! We went to Carino's here in Katy and then came back to my house where Dee had brought her yummy Chocolate Eclair Cake!! They each got me a couple of very cute little boy outfits, and then they went in together and got me 6 bumGenius 3.0 One Size Fits All diapers!!! I was SOOOO excited. These diapers are awesome, they fit newborns, up to Cara's size!! We had a great time and got to catch up. It was the first time we'd gotten together since we had a little going away thing for Adrienne; she moved to San Antonio in mid-August. I truly cherish my special friends. God has blessed me with some great ladies to fellowship and do life with, at church and through other outlets.
In other news, our new BlackBerrys were just delivered. Both of our phones were dead/not working, and since we'd had them over 2 years, we were due for an upgrade. First we went to the AT&T store, and there was only 1 free phone! So, we came home and went online, and got 2 blackberries for $50 total. His was free and mine was $50, not bad. But, now I'm trying to figure out how to get my phone #'s to my phone. They sent us a new SIM card. I know I can put the old one in the new phone to get the numbers, but if I saved any to my phone, I can't get them (since my screen isn't working). SO, if I call you often, and you don't hear from me, call me so I can get your # back in my phone!! Gotta run and take Eric lunch, he's feeling awful and slept in and didn't have time to get lunch. Love to all!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
I can't read your text
If you text me last night or this morning (I heard the little ding), I can't read it because my screen is out. Please call or email me if you need to reach me :)
Friday, September 26, 2008
No Phones!!
If you try to call us the next few days and we don't answer, please email us!! Eric's phone has been messing up since the hurricane. Sometimes the screen just goes white, and he has to take the battery out to get it to turn on again. Sometimes it randomly goes to camera and then freezes. But, it's still usable. Well, yesterday, my screen decided not to work, after I'd been using it all morning. So I can receive calls, but I don't know who's calling. I can call only those on my speed dial (or type in a phone number and call, hoping I dialed it right). We ordered new phones from (because they were cheaper there than going through the store), so we should have them by Monday, but who knows. This may be a quiet weekend! :) Email us or facebook message me if you need me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
34 week update
Just got back from the doctor and all is well. They did the group b strep test. I'm up to a total gain of 9.8 pounds, with 5.5 weeks left!! My blood pressure was normal, 118/68 or something like that. Micah's heart rate was between 130 and 150, he was kicking the whole time they were listening to it. My measuring has gone up though, originaly he said 37 cm, and I was like, I'm getting big! He said you're 34 weeks (and I was 34 cm last appt 2 weeks ago) so he remeasured and said more like 36. I hope that means I'll deliver early :), but who knows. That's about it, no exam until 37 weeks unless I start having 'real' contractions. I've been having more and more braxton hicks, but they don't hurt, just a little tightness, a deep breathe, and their gone. Well, off to work on the bumper pad some more....
Cara's back at school
Today is Cara's 3rd day (week) of school. Last week they were closed due to the hurricane. This morning however was different. I talked all the way to school about how she was such a big girl, and she was going to walk right into class and say hi to Mrs. Ellie and Mrs. Cindy. I told her no crying today, she was going to paint and have fun playing with all her friends. And it worked! Of course, Mrs. Ellie tried to take her backpack off her back to put it where it goes, and she said NO! When I walked back by, she was still wearing it, but I walked in, put her nap mat where it goes, told her to give me a kiss and said bye bye and there were no tears!! Yea! I'm a happy mommy today. I'm working on Micah's bumper pad all day, that is my only goal (and to vacuum AGAIN, I swear our dog hair is multiplying, and I just vacuumed 2 days ago). And I have my 34 week checkup at 10:30. I'll reupdate later with Micah's stats.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Quick update
Mom & Darrell got power and cable last night, only to find out that now their A/C is out!! They had siding blown off their house from the storm, and now they are getting an estimate to get it fixed for their insurance company. It all seems to be perfect timing, because they were planning on getting new hardiplank in the next few months anyway. So maybe Ike brought some help to them! Kristal and Tommy got power mid week last week, and got their water pump fixed the next day, so they are back to 'normal.'
I'm knee deep in my new women's bible study, Raising Responsive Children, and it is WORK. It is a lot of 'heart' work throughout the week, but so far it's been very worth it! Learning about who to parent after (the most Perfect Parent, God!) and how to be His child has been eye opening. I'm reading stories I've read hundreds of times in the bible, but they take on so much more meaning when you are looking at them from certain perspectives. Judy Rossi, the author, did a great job on the book so far. Eric and I are still enjoying our foundations class on Wednesday nights, Journey into God's Word, and our small group which meets every other week. We are taking a "Character Tour" (a small group study written by Ed Young Jr.) of Noah, Joshua, Caleb, Hosea, and of course God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Also, since Eric had a week off of work, he had time to work on my built ins. He's got them all stained and poly'ed. Now I've decided however that we are going to paint the bricks that it is going to be in . So now we are getting ready to get the primer and paint, but first we have to clean the bricks. I swear I've been nesting this entire pregnancy, poor Eric. Anyways, that's our quick update. Will write more later.
I'm knee deep in my new women's bible study, Raising Responsive Children, and it is WORK. It is a lot of 'heart' work throughout the week, but so far it's been very worth it! Learning about who to parent after (the most Perfect Parent, God!) and how to be His child has been eye opening. I'm reading stories I've read hundreds of times in the bible, but they take on so much more meaning when you are looking at them from certain perspectives. Judy Rossi, the author, did a great job on the book so far. Eric and I are still enjoying our foundations class on Wednesday nights, Journey into God's Word, and our small group which meets every other week. We are taking a "Character Tour" (a small group study written by Ed Young Jr.) of Noah, Joshua, Caleb, Hosea, and of course God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Also, since Eric had a week off of work, he had time to work on my built ins. He's got them all stained and poly'ed. Now I've decided however that we are going to paint the bricks that it is going to be in . So now we are getting ready to get the primer and paint, but first we have to clean the bricks. I swear I've been nesting this entire pregnancy, poor Eric. Anyways, that's our quick update. Will write more later.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
No School!
So Eric just got a call that they do not have school until next Monday morning. Oh how he is doing the happy dance. I'm super excited too, I just wish all this would have happened maybe mid October when I'm 9 months pregnant, and he doesn't have a day off for 6 weeks!! Since we've spent the past few days cleaning up the yard (put the last bag by the street this morning for trash pickup), we're pretty much done. I told him he gets to spend the next few days making my bookshelves that he promised me for my birthday. He has all the wood cut, and has fit it into the place they're going, but now he has to stain/trim/assemble, etc. He also needs to clean out the gutters, and do some small things around the house, but how nice it is to have him home for 10 days straight! I just got used to him being back at work! :)
Just wanted to update. My mom and Darrell are still without power, but they have 2 generators running their fridge/freezers, a window A/C unit they put in their room (Darrell has from the deer lease), and more importantly the tv (and wii!). Ha. Their septic tank wasn't damaged, so they have running water (and a freezing cold pool that Darrell used before the water was working). Kristal and Tommy's house got power back this morning, however they have no running water since their water pump was blown over and are in the process of fixing it. Bailey and Matt got power back Sunday morning, but have no cable and internet (probably won't for awhile). Eric's parents got their power back around 4 on Sunday. They had come over to cool off and eat on Sunday afternoon. We still know of a few friends of ours without power, so please keep them in your prayers. Praise Jesus for this gloriously cool weather. If you don't have power, it makes it much more bearable, and if you do, it makes doing yard work a little less HOT! Hope all is well with you!
Just wanted to update. My mom and Darrell are still without power, but they have 2 generators running their fridge/freezers, a window A/C unit they put in their room (Darrell has from the deer lease), and more importantly the tv (and wii!). Ha. Their septic tank wasn't damaged, so they have running water (and a freezing cold pool that Darrell used before the water was working). Kristal and Tommy's house got power back this morning, however they have no running water since their water pump was blown over and are in the process of fixing it. Bailey and Matt got power back Sunday morning, but have no cable and internet (probably won't for awhile). Eric's parents got their power back around 4 on Sunday. They had come over to cool off and eat on Sunday afternoon. We still know of a few friends of ours without power, so please keep them in your prayers. Praise Jesus for this gloriously cool weather. If you don't have power, it makes it much more bearable, and if you do, it makes doing yard work a little less HOT! Hope all is well with you!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Let there be light!
We were out of power from 6 am - 8 pm tonight. It was hot, but we had no damage. Our neighbors across the street had power, but our side didn't! All of our neighbors had trees down and fences down, and nothing happened to our house. We had Mom, Kristal, Tommy, Hailee Luxton and their 2 dogs here with us. We think Tommy's huge camper and truck parked in front of our house kept a lot of the wind out of our house/yard. Bailey and Matt are ok. They are without power, lost their fence, and have some small leaks in the house, but are hanging in there. Darrell stayed at mom and his house. They lost a little siding (they just got estimates last week because they were going to redo it anyways), lost a bird house, and had some limbs down, and had some lattice gone on the bottom of the pool deck. Everyone is ok however. We feel like new people now that the air is back on. We will keep in touch!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Update 9:15 pm
It's Friday night. Yes the news looks horrible. Just remember, we're 70-80 miles from Galveston, Clear Lake, all the coastal communities it's showing. We are 30 miles west of Houston. We are all here, still have power, haven't even had rain yet. Winds are a little heavier than normal on occasion, but not much. My sister and brother-in-law decided to stay in Pearland and they have already lost power. They have one of my step-dad's generators, so they have some fans going. Keep them in your prayers.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Just so you know, if you care....
We are staying here in Katy at our house. My mom, her best friend Kristal, hubby Tommy, daughter Hailee and their 2 dogs are here as well :) So it's a little cramped. I think we'll be fine. Please pray for my step-dad as he is on the emergency response team for the BP plant in Texas City (you know, the one that always blows up, yeah, that's where he works), so he's 'sheltering in place' in Santa Fe, which will probably flood. Thanks for the prayers, and we'll update (as power allows) on how we are.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Quick update
So for the 2nd week in a row, Cara didn't nap at school. Last week, we came straight home and laid her down and she slept for 1.5 hours (would have been 2, but I went and woke her up at 4:30 so she'd go to bed at night). So this week, I said, we'll try without the nap, and we went to Eric's school. He had so much to do, and Cara LOVES playing in the band hall, so I went and helped him input forms and make copies, etc. So about 4:30 she started breaking down and wanted to go night night, but all her stuff was in the car (it's a trek). So we laid her down in a practice room (which she has done before, I know, horrible parents) with a blanket the choir director lets us borrow. She cried because she didn't have her baby/paci, and never did lay down good. So we left at 5, and she immediately passed out in the car. We drove the 8 minutes home and she woke up so we could eat dinner. Thank God I had chicken already cooked in the crock pot. We made some steamfresh veggies, and dinner was on the table in 10 minutes. She ate like a pig. I have the crazy child that asks for more veggies and fruit, and we have to make her take bites of the chicken. Anyways, she was tucked in bed precisely at 6:30!! Exhausted!! And, she heard my alarm go off at 7:15 this morning, and she starts going "Mommy? Daddy? Cara still tired!" Haha, so I go lay her back down and took a peaceful shower while she slept till 7:45. She is already in her normal 1-4 nap now, so hopefully the kinks from yesterday will be all worked out in time for church tonight.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
If any of you are like me and check your friend's blogs daily (even if they only update every 4 know who you are), please pray for Eric. He's having a rough start to his day. I prayed with him that he would stay focused and be efficient getting everything done that he needs to, so that he's not up there until 8 pm tonight. Please say a quick prayer for his sanity if you get this.
Thanks! Misty
Thanks! Misty
Monday, September 08, 2008
Micah Update
I had my (new) doctor's appointment today. Everything went well, the doctor seems to be very laid back. And he went to Baylor and Vanderbilt, so he can't be all bad!! :) Micah's heart rate was 135. My blood pressure was 122/65. I'm up to a total weight gain of 7 pounds, with only 8 weeks to go!! But Micah seems fine. He's been on track with measurements, but today the measurement was 34 cm (at 32 weeks)! Maybe that means he'll be a little early, maybe late October, that would be fine by me!! Cara's in preschool tomorrow, so hopefully I can finish her poodle skirt!
A Crazy Muttering of Rambles....
1. So, I got new insurance, and today see my new doctor for the first time. I have never met him (yes, HIM. I hate male OB/GYNs (no offense) but he's the only would who would take me on my new insurance, this far along in my pregnancy!!), but will today. I have met and talked daily last week on the phone with his office manager and she seems SO sweet and helpful. We go today at 4:30, Eric is going to try to meet us there, we shall see.
2. Lots has happened since the first day of school. Cara started preschool last Tuesday. She fussed a little when I dropped her off, but they said she had a GREAT time that day. She got to paint with red glitter paint (all over her new outfit I just bought her.....good thing it came out!). She is so cute in her little pink backpack, she takes it to school and church and loves it. She is starting to seem like such a big girl!
3. We started having dinner at our church on Wednesday nights with our friends. Then at 6 every other week we have our small group (which started last week) and at 7, we are attending a foundations class, Journey through God's Word. Eric and I are both really enjoying it!! It really teaches you how to easily break down the scripture and get the true meaning from it that God intended for us. Not just what we make up because we don't understand it :).
4. Cara is doing a free trial class at Westwood Gymnastics Thursday afternoon (after nap). I've been wanting her to start it, because she's starting to try to do summer saults, etc and she LOVES to jump! :). I thought it was MUCH more expensive that it is, so we're going to let her give it a shot, and if she likes it, we'll continue on with it.
5. Eric is settling into school. He's not having to work on work stuff 24/7 when he's home. He's enjoying the kids....some of the parents however he could do without :). I've heard that's just junior high parents in general....I guess we'll be them some day.
6. I start my new fall women's bible study on Thursday, "Raising Responsive Kids." I can't wait!! A couple of my friends from church are taking it with me, and the leader is one of our minister's wives, who has scrapbooked with us in the past. I'm really looking forward to it!!
I guess that's it for now. I can't believe I'm already 32 weeks!! This pregnancy is flying (as is the month of September!!). I hope all is well in your life!!
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Happy Grandparents Day!!
Happy Grandparents Day!
We Love You!!
We Love You!!
Grandad & Nana
Yaya & Papa
Mawmaw & Pawpaw
Great Grandma Betty
PopPop & RuRu
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