I don't know why I have such a hang up about Halloween. I wouldn't even refer to it as Halloween on my blog my first 3 years of having kids. I'd refer to it as 'costume day' or 'fall fest' ONLY. I don't know why. I'm not a 'devil worshipper'. I'm not worried about my kids getting into trouble (yet!). I remember going to church when I was growing up (and we didn't trick or treat), and I'm sure that's all my kids think of it as, dressing up, going to the fall fest (aka playing games and getting candy) at church, and this is the first year I let Cara go to 2 of our neighbors houses. She loves dressing up, so I don't even know if she notices anything weird at all! :) She's in bed by the time we have people coming to our door. And I don't buy anything expensive for them. They either wear handmade items (cara's poodle skirt last year) or hand me downs (Micah's dog costume this year). This is our first year to even carve a pumpkin, and we've been married 8.5 years!! I'm weird, yes I admit it!! But I always just thought in my head, 'I don't celebrate halloween!' and Eric never really cared, so we just didn't. When we got our first house 5 years ago, we bought a little candy, so we'd hand it out, for maybe half an hour, and then we were done. And when we had kids, the dogs would wake them up, so we usually do it for a short time and that's all.
I always hated when teenagers with no costumes would come to our door with a pillow case, so as soon as that happened, I turned the light out. I also HATE the big decorations on people's lawns (yes Jen K, I read your post tonight, and it made me smile, but I'm just not that into it, which I obviously have an issue with!), especially now that I have kids, it scares them. Cara went to our neighbors house and told Mr. Scott that she doesn't like the big spider and spider webs on his lawn! :) Plus it drives me crazy when people (especially in our neighborhood) go all out with cemetaries galore in their front yard and then don't decorate for Christmas. Don't get me wrong, we don't decorate for Christmas either!! We do inside, but we just never have had lots of $$ to splurge on outdoor decorations. This year we did have our carved pumpkin (already rotting with bugs) and a little painted pumpkin from Cara and a scarecrow from wal-mart on our front porch. I was fairly pleased with myself. The nasty black buggy pumpkin WAS probably scary! :)
Anyways, what is my issue? I was speaking to one of our pastor's wives at church tonight and she mentioned her girls were at the age when they loved to trick or treat. I love FALL!! I love harvest time and all the deep orange/red/brown colors. It's my absolute favorite time of year. Cara loves pumpkins, we went like 5 times to the pumpkin patch this year. So why do I have this hang up on Halloween. I feel like I'm sinning or being bad to 'celebrate' it, and OH how I have judged people in the past!! I've been dealing in my head lately about how everything doesn't always have to be Christ centered. Don't get me wrong, I mean, everything should be, we are commanded to if we are Christ followers, BUT if there is a fun thing for kids, and you can relate it to God (aka, going to church, or doing a (yet unblogged) family devo revolving around pumpkins, what's the harm? I kinda feel the same way about the tooth fairy (not that we are even there yet!!). A friend said they do it, because it doesn't take away from God (like Santa or the Easter Bunny take away from Christ during christmas and easter), it's pretend and their children know that. So....where do you stand? Does it bother you at all, or am I the only weirdo? :) haha. And here's a cutie or 2 that did dress up this year!! :)
I like to 'match' them, so she's a cheerleader, and I tried to make him a 'mascot.' That involved a random dog costume I've had for years and a football jersey on. Mostly people were confused, and he was hot, so we just went with the dog! Here she thought it was hilarious to shake the pom poms in his face, and he got so smiley!!